Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ho's Are People Too

My son was checking his Snapchat and said a girls name that I didn't recognize. So I asked him who she was and he said, "She's a stripper." Interesting. Then my hubby said, "Cool, that means she will always have change. You know, lots of one's." Yes, babe, we definitely want to encourage our son to date strippers so we'll have plenty of one's around for all those pop and candy machines we don't have. I do like the idea of be able to "make it rain" with dollar bills once in a while, but I'd prefer not to use any bills that had been in undesirable places. I don't ask much, right?

P.S. The girl really isn't a stripper. It's just another joy of being my son's mom that I get cheeky answers like that, pardon the pun :D

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