Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Hard to Be Humble, When You're As Great As I Am

So, I've been waiting around for weeks to receive my Homemaker of the Year Award and nothin'.
I don't understand. I mean, I've still got yesterday's dishes in the sink...
 ...and as I look at my Menu Board, I see that I haven't updated it since Father's Day.
I still don't understand why they're not calling!! At least I have a couple new menu options out of all of this. Tasty Buffalo Vulture Wings from my BIL and Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts from my charming sister, haha. I live such a vibrant and probably pretty stinky life, if you catch a whiff of those dishes :)
P.S. I did the dishes right after this post. They were driving me crazy. I'm really not completely mental...just partially :)


  1. The afore mentioned BIL wants to know how you enjoyed the Creamed Eels?! Lol. We are happy to help fill in any more meal idea slot vacancies you have. Just keep us posted. :)

    P.S. They delivered your award to my house. Come on up and get it any time but you must have Cincinnati Chili with you in exchange. Slurp!

  2. Only a day old? I do think you should get an award. Then you should serve it with buffalo vulture wings. Are those the wings of vultures that specifically hunt dead buffalo?
