Sunday, August 17, 2014

Gimme a Break

I don't know if other shiny people have the same problem as I do, but it goes like this:  I hear or think of a song, the song gets stuck in my head, I sing that song over and over, then I start changing the words to the song with words that rhyme with poo, boogers, or anything else gross/weird, then after a while I actually start telling myself to "STOP IT," but that still doesn't work, haha. In the meantime, my hubby and son have pleaded with me multiple times to please stop singing the song. I hear them and I yearn to comply, but once it's stuck, there is no help, aside from alien intervention.

Tonight, this same thing happened. I somehow got that dang freaking stinkin' "Let It Go" song going into the torture time continuum, called my brain. After several minutes and many poopy renditions later, I found a way to stop. Then a few minutes later, this conversation took place:

Me:  (I start singing the song again)

George: I thought you were going to stop singing that song?

Me:  I did stop, but then I started again.

George: seems that there really wasn't a break. Try again.

Hahaha. If you knew the sardonic tones of my mate, you would find this as hilarious as I did. If not, then may Satan's spawn be your new shop teacher, just kidding, but maybe Home Ec.  Oh the joys of having my brain; it sometimes makes me tired :) The worst part about writing this post is that now I have that ruddy song in my head again...AHHHH! Gotta just let it go, har har.


  1. "I did stop, but then I started again." I can totally hear you saying this. Hahaha.

    1. Lol!! Thanks. Yes, you know my wackiness pretty well :D
