Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shiny Beginnings

As you soon shall see, I am kind of a weird duck. I love anything random. It brings pure joy to my brain and makes me want to giggle, then yodel, then maybe giggle some more. Anyhoo, my friend posted an awesome pic on Facebook about how we ADD people get so easily distracted. Here's the post:

It tickled me because that happens to me!! I mentioned in there how that was just part of the Life of a Shiny Girl. The name struck a chord and so I created this blog to post all the random musings and inklings that my silly and sassy brain puts forth. So, if you'll indulge me, let the fun begin :D Peace, love, and chocolate!! ~ Nikki


  1. So. ...I sent Keara to clean under her bed as she got a new bed. Check out her Facebook post from a couple of days ago! Total shiny moment. She ended up paying her little sister to do it, the other one with ADD. She did a great Houghton, but it took her the ENTIRE day! To much fun stuff to play with! Love my ADD girls!

    1. That's hilarious!! We shiny people gotta stick together :D

  2. Are you holding hands? Then you could be shiny happy people holding hands...

    1. Haha! Yes, that is the Take Over the Word Plan. We just need to find a place with nothing glossy, but only matte, haha.
