Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm a Hardy Girl!

To say I was a huge Shaun Cassidy fan would be an understatement. If you don't know who Shaun Cassidy is, then you missed out, my friend :) He was all 70's and so foxy, as we used to say. He had perfectly feathered hair, bell bottom pants, and to top it all off, he was a Hardy Boy!! That's where I first remember seeing him. The Hardy Boys books came to life on the TV series and it was awesome! They had all the cool gadgets, vehicles, and adventures. Here's Shaun on the left with what I call the "other" Hardy Boy, Parker Stevenson on the right:
Perfect feathers, am I right? Oh yeah, haha. Life was so simple back then, but that's what made it great. I just thought I'd share with you a little bit of the good life. I'm also gonna share video of Shaun singing his #1 hit, Da Doo Ron Ron, shiny bellbottoms, terrible camera angles and all, lol.

You're welcome!! Stay shiny :D

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