Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Who Doesn't Love Nancy??

This is for my sister, Nancy. She is awesome and loads of fun. However, she also deserves these creepy pics that I stumbled across online. Who wouldn't love a sassy lil' sis so much that you forget to wear your pants?? ME!! Hahaha :D


  1. Awesome! My two fav parts of this..."You are the tiger of my jungle" and that there is a frowny face on the wall when he plops down. The pants thing...I forget to wear pants sometimes, too. Many I emit a "forget your pants" pheromone. I should really get that checked out! Lol. Love you, too, Princess Slutbag Johnson! :)

    1. Of all the things you need to get checked, that one should be last on your list :) You're the guac to my enchilada, chica <3
