Sunday, September 28, 2014


A couple of days ago, the #1 bachelor was taken off the market. Mr. George Clooney, who swore off ever getting married, finally tied the proverbial knot. The funny thing is that on the Trending feature on Facebook, you had to make sure you read the whole headline...
So, not only did he get married, but he actually found a real HUMAN to marry him!!
This is why it is very important to read the second line of the post, hahaha!!
 Way to go, George! Not only is she human, but she might even be a nice sugar momma down the line, haha, JK. Congrats, man!! Now go make some adorable babies :D

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

NO!!!!!!!! Pardon Me, I Mean YES!!!! Hahaha :)

This  post is for my nephew, Parker. For years, he has made fun of my brother Nate, and sometimes me, for wearing socks with sandals. He just thought it was flat out wrong, lol! However, in our defense, it was totally something people did when we were teenagers and into our 20's. Birkenstocks were way in and you'd wear your Birks with some nice wool socks, even in the winter. They weren't really worn with shorts, but they looked way sweet with a pair of jeans and a sweater or sweatshirt. We were all about lookin' good, but I guess along the way, we forgot that maybe it wasn't the mode anymore :)

However...I just saw this article on MSN Fashion that says that socks with sandals...ARE BACK, BABY!!!! So, I'm sorry Parker, but this grunge momma is going to go all out! Maybe not for the next 20 years or maybe I will, just to torture you a little bit longer, hahaha :) Love you, bro!!
(I'm still not an advocate for the dude on the left, but the guy on the right looks pretty sweet,
minus his goofy space age clothing, the dark sandals look the best)

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Great Life Tips And So Much More

I don't know if you have ever seen the Cute Kid Note of the Day section on Huffington, but these things are so dang hilarious!!!! I am a big fan of the crazy things kids do.  Here are a few of my faves that I saw recently:
 Lol!! Great diagrams, but still not the best choice :)
 This one kills me! A baby = crying little awesome. Ha, Ha, and Ha!
If that's all he remembers about 2010, I really need to find out where he got that doughnut.
 Numbers 2 and 3 are hilarious!! These Spy Rules really should be put in any CIA pamphlets :)
There really is no better way to say it. Got stress?? S.I.U. - Suck It UP, lol.

So there you have it. It's a very entertaining and quite clean page that will keep you laughing all the way to the doughnut shop. However, once you get there, just do what you have to do. Get in and get out fast :)

Thursday, September 11, 2014

She's Sexy And She Knows It!

Saw this bumper sticker today and it made me literally LOL!!
It reminded me of the time I bought this bumper sticker for my mom's car.
I put it on her car without her knowing. It was a little while before she noticed it. She said she kept getting weird looks from people and thumbs up, etc. ROFL!! She, of course, knew it was me. It was absolutely fantastic!!!! Life is meant to be F.U.N. :D

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Birthday Kiss?? I think so, hee hee :)

Today just so happens to be the birthday of one very dashing and extremely adorable man, Colin Firth. For most of us, he came into our lives around the time of Pride and Prejudice and the world hasn't been the same since :) We love you Colin/Fitzwilliam/Mark/George/Jack/Henry/Sweet Cheeks, wait...haha <3

Saturday, September 6, 2014

Ho's Are People Too

My son was checking his Snapchat and said a girls name that I didn't recognize. So I asked him who she was and he said, "She's a stripper." Interesting. Then my hubby said, "Cool, that means she will always have change. You know, lots of one's." Yes, babe, we definitely want to encourage our son to date strippers so we'll have plenty of one's around for all those pop and candy machines we don't have. I do like the idea of be able to "make it rain" with dollar bills once in a while, but I'd prefer not to use any bills that had been in undesirable places. I don't ask much, right?

P.S. The girl really isn't a stripper. It's just another joy of being my son's mom that I get cheeky answers like that, pardon the pun :D

Friday, August 29, 2014

It's Hard to Be Humble, When You're As Great As I Am

So, I've been waiting around for weeks to receive my Homemaker of the Year Award and nothin'.
I don't understand. I mean, I've still got yesterday's dishes in the sink...
 ...and as I look at my Menu Board, I see that I haven't updated it since Father's Day.
I still don't understand why they're not calling!! At least I have a couple new menu options out of all of this. Tasty Buffalo Vulture Wings from my BIL and Greasy Grimy Gopher Guts from my charming sister, haha. I live such a vibrant and probably pretty stinky life, if you catch a whiff of those dishes :)
P.S. I did the dishes right after this post. They were driving me crazy. I'm really not completely mental...just partially :)

Thursday, August 28, 2014

I'm a Hardy Girl!

To say I was a huge Shaun Cassidy fan would be an understatement. If you don't know who Shaun Cassidy is, then you missed out, my friend :) He was all 70's and so foxy, as we used to say. He had perfectly feathered hair, bell bottom pants, and to top it all off, he was a Hardy Boy!! That's where I first remember seeing him. The Hardy Boys books came to life on the TV series and it was awesome! They had all the cool gadgets, vehicles, and adventures. Here's Shaun on the left with what I call the "other" Hardy Boy, Parker Stevenson on the right:
Perfect feathers, am I right? Oh yeah, haha. Life was so simple back then, but that's what made it great. I just thought I'd share with you a little bit of the good life. I'm also gonna share video of Shaun singing his #1 hit, Da Doo Ron Ron, shiny bellbottoms, terrible camera angles and all, lol.

You're welcome!! Stay shiny :D

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Make It Stop!!!!

What I don't get is why my husband doesn't understand that his alarm going off for an hour is really putting a damper on me going back to bed after I send the kid off to school. I mean, I'm a professional napper, for crying out loud. Why can't he get on board with this?? Well, smack my hive!! Haha :D

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

I'm a What?!?

So, my son just informed me that I'm a pluviophile. My mind grapes started spinning with many fancy thoughts, but then he told me this:
Haha, SWEET!! This is sooo true. I'm one of those weird people that when I hear the pitter pat of raindrops, my whole day gets better and my body sighs in happiness :) I don't know why this is, but I've always loved the rain. Maybe because it's so peaceful, because it makes everything green, because it makes things smell so good, I don't know. All I know is that it makes me wicked happy and a calm comes over my kooky brain.

The only downside is the irreparable damage it does to ones doo. So, that's why I'm thinking of getting one of those rockin' old lady hats, sorry, "rain bonnets" to protect my hotness:
That way, I can jump on this sassy bandwagon, lol!!
Rain rocks :D

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Harry Potter Mania...c!!

When you're as obsessed about Harry Potter as I am, it's always fun when your equally obsessed SIL decides to have a joint party for hers and Harry's b-days. It's okay that she's 29, right?? Haha. So what do you give said person as a fun party gift?? You give them the following items:
A hanger, a toothpick, a tissue, an old pair of "Uncle Vernon's" socks, and a fifty-"pence" piece. If you're a true fan, you will know that these are all the things that the Dursley's sent to Harry over his time at Hogwarts, minus the times that they completely ignored him. I wrapped it up all pretty in this awesome bag:
I used this one to look kind of like Harry's scar. Nailed it, right?!? Haha. You should've seen the look on her face when she was opening this. She had no idea what I was thinking. She said, "I kept pulling things out and thinking that they must've been things I left at your house. Then I saw the toothpick and I didn't know what to think." Lol. Once everything was out of the bag, I told her what they were and she died laughing!! Then went on to say it was one of the best presents she had ever received! Yep...nailed it, haha.
Next up, was what I should wear to the party?? I was feeling rather lazy, since it was a Saturday afternoon, and I didn't want to have to get my gear out of the attic. As luck would have it, I happened to be looking in the bathroom mirror at that exact moment. I was wearing my oh so classy Happy, Happy, Happy Duck Dynasty shirt. Eureka!! Problem solved...
It's amazing what a little paper and packing tape can do for you, in a pinch, haha. The shirt was a hit and we ended up having a really good time. FYI, my SIL makes amazing butterbeer! Sidenote: I got a perfect 50/50 on the trivia quiz so I had to go head to head with the birthday girl. I should've let her have it, but I have issues, lol. I stumped her with the name of Hagrid's mom. Go look it up. It's definitely one to keep in your back pocket :)
Happy Birthday Harry and Heather!! Thanks for the brilliant party. Slughorn would've been proud :)

Friday, August 22, 2014

Something Smells Sticky In Here....

This is what happens when your cousin asks if she can take of pic of you putting whipped cream on your nose.  What the?!?
I had no idea that my previously perceived gentle cousin was such a naughty penguin, LOL!!!! I thought it would just be me pretending or maybe doing a little dab then having her take a pic, but noooo!! She launched at me and shoved that sucker up my nose, hahaha!! Love it :D My nostrils were sticky for hours after, lolllll. My mind grapes are spinning as to what my next move is, muh wah ha haaaa :D Love you, cuz!

Thursday, August 21, 2014

Suck My Heiney?!?

For the life of me, I CANNOT seem to remember what smh means. I can't even tell you how many freaking times I've had to Google it!! Dumb thing is that as soon as I click on the definition, I immediately remember that it means "shaking my head." The acronym and my brain just.don't.match. to me. So, I've decided to change it to something that makes more sense to my sad head. Here are my top 3 choices. Let me know what you think fits best:

1) Suck my heiney - this is my fave :) Totes inappropes, but funny.
2) Smell my hand - just fits for some strange reason.
3) Smack my hive - seems totally like something Flo from Alice would say, haha. Old school!

So there are your choices. Help a sista out, lol!! :D

Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Who Doesn't Love Nancy??

This is for my sister, Nancy. She is awesome and loads of fun. However, she also deserves these creepy pics that I stumbled across online. Who wouldn't love a sassy lil' sis so much that you forget to wear your pants?? ME!! Hahaha :D

Monday, August 18, 2014's...a SWEATER!!

Si El Guapo. I found the perfect way for you to get some privacy on your next journey. All you do is bring along a turtleneck esweater, put in on, then turn it inside out. Then, place your laptop on your lap, underneath the sweater, and you have total, perfect, albeit very sweaty privacy. Good luck!!

Sunday, August 17, 2014

Gimme a Break

I don't know if other shiny people have the same problem as I do, but it goes like this:  I hear or think of a song, the song gets stuck in my head, I sing that song over and over, then I start changing the words to the song with words that rhyme with poo, boogers, or anything else gross/weird, then after a while I actually start telling myself to "STOP IT," but that still doesn't work, haha. In the meantime, my hubby and son have pleaded with me multiple times to please stop singing the song. I hear them and I yearn to comply, but once it's stuck, there is no help, aside from alien intervention.

Tonight, this same thing happened. I somehow got that dang freaking stinkin' "Let It Go" song going into the torture time continuum, called my brain. After several minutes and many poopy renditions later, I found a way to stop. Then a few minutes later, this conversation took place:

Me:  (I start singing the song again)

George: I thought you were going to stop singing that song?

Me:  I did stop, but then I started again.

George: seems that there really wasn't a break. Try again.

Hahaha. If you knew the sardonic tones of my mate, you would find this as hilarious as I did. If not, then may Satan's spawn be your new shop teacher, just kidding, but maybe Home Ec.  Oh the joys of having my brain; it sometimes makes me tired :) The worst part about writing this post is that now I have that ruddy song in my head again...AHHHH! Gotta just let it go, har har.

Saturday, August 16, 2014

Happy Birthday, Ray!!

I warn you in advance that this is a "serious" post. Today is the birthday of my awesome sister, Laurie, who so sadly passed away several years ago. It's one of those days that I have to celebrate because she loved her birthday sooo much and because I love her sooo much!! She would start getting invites ready months in advance and always knew exactly what she wanted to do on her special day. She was pure joy in my life and will always be present in my heart!!

She was in my dreams last night. We were out having fun and it reminded me of our last road trip together. It was her dream come true because we visited The Laura Ingalls Homestead in De Smet, SD. We had such an awesome time, mostly because of her constant squeals of delight around every corner. They even let her drive the wagon back from the school house where we met "Miss Beadle." Seeing Laurie with those reigns was so cute. However, seeing the faces of everyone else once she yelled "YAW!" to get the horses running, was even better, lol!! Such a fabulous adventure that I thought I share a pic or two :)

 In front of a replica of the Ingalls home
 Chillin' with Miss Beadle :)
 Laurie and my awesome mom
 Before all heck broke loose, haha
Now that I got all of that serious stuff out of me, I also had to post one of my favorite pictures that I've ever taken in my life. After we left South Dakota, we came across the most amazing JCT ever known to man. Highway P, State Road 00. It's POO people...POO!!!! Hahahaha! LOVE IT :D

K, that is all. Happy Birthday, my Ray <3 Peace, love and chocolate, y'all!!

Friday, August 15, 2014

Convo with The Kid

So I came into my son's room this afternoon and we had this conversation:

Me:  So, Dad's middle name is Yorg.

Justin:  What's your point.

Me:  You know...George?

Justin:  Where is all this coming from?

Me:  I just think a good nickname is George.

Justin:  Or how about "One Ear."

Me:  What??

Justin:  You know, Harry Potter....George.

Justin FTW!!

I post this just to give a little insight into how my brain works. I was reading a blog yesterday and the lady's husband's name is Victor. They always have these hilarious conversations and his name is just a nice standard name. Then I started thinking about my husband and his name is Alif. That is not a standard name. I mean, how can I sell t-shirts with Team Alif on them? No one would understand what that even is. So I was thinking about this when I went into my son's room.

I think George has a nice ring to it and who wouldn't want to be on Team George? So, sorry honey, but I've made a nice alter ego for you. Maybe he will do dishes so I don't have to, haha. Sorry, Justin, but ol' One Ear didn't make the cut. The t-shirts would be too "holey" :D

Thursday, August 14, 2014

Shiny Beginnings

As you soon shall see, I am kind of a weird duck. I love anything random. It brings pure joy to my brain and makes me want to giggle, then yodel, then maybe giggle some more. Anyhoo, my friend posted an awesome pic on Facebook about how we ADD people get so easily distracted. Here's the post:

It tickled me because that happens to me!! I mentioned in there how that was just part of the Life of a Shiny Girl. The name struck a chord and so I created this blog to post all the random musings and inklings that my silly and sassy brain puts forth. So, if you'll indulge me, let the fun begin :D Peace, love, and chocolate!! ~ Nikki